Sunday, May 2, 2010


Random thought for the day, Have you ever just stopped and marveled at the miracle that is your skin? Think about it for a second. Your skin is your largest organ. It can be as soft and supple as your lips, or as callous, thick and unfeeling as the soles of your feet. It's elastic, yet rigid at the same time. It moderates your body temperature, reacts to the sun to protect you, and synthesizes vitamin D from sunlight. If you get an injury as small as a paper cut or even as large as a burn, it will scab over and knit itself back together. And lets not forget that it provides you with your sense of touch, without which we would all be in a world of pain, or more precisely, not be. Simply amazing! :D

1 comment:

  1. So right! That's why I'm on a campaign to only put natural health and beauty products on my skin. Many lip balms are made from petroleum, which the body can't use or break down, same with most lotions, petroleum or mineral oil based, yuck! I'm having good luck with coconut oil, virgin olive oil, shea butter, they feed the skin. Love it!
    Word verification: fiberyou. How appropriate!
