Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Introspection is an interesting thing. I find I spend a lot of time in introspection and I've learned that it can be a double edged sword.

Without taking time to reflect on the experiences in your life and the decisions you've made, it's hard to learn from what you've been through. Self analysis is integral to gaining wisdom or at least learning from your mistakes. So without at least pausing for the briefest of moments to reflect upon what has passed, you will simply be running blindly into the future. But if you spend too much time in reflection you run the risk of not living your life at all. It's possible to get lost in your thoughts and loose sight of what's right in front of you.

I know I often run afoul of over analyzing the events in my life. This happens most when an event or choice is followed by a long period where I have nothing to do, but think. Over analyzing is dangerous as well, because you begin to second guess yourself and your actions. And once you start to second guess your actions you've stopped learning from them and can become mired in self doubt.

The trouble with doubt is it's like a cancer, it spreads and eats away at you. You begin questioning first one decision and then another. This can in turn shake your confidence and cause more doubt. Doubt undermines self confidence further, which in turn effects your ability to be decisive and make decisions. This causes more doubt and less confidence. If you let it, this can become a vicious downward spiral. Luckily all it takes to break out of a cycle like this, is to get out of your own head. Frequently going and talking to someone is all it takes. Getting a second opinion on your decision will give you the perspective you need to stop questioning yourself.

This is why it's so important to have friends who will talk strait with you. Because while introspection is good, having someone who can hopefully, look at your situation objectively and tell you strait out, that you made a mistake and where you went wrong, is a great thing.

So to sum up take some time to examine your life, so you can learn from your mistakes, but don't spend too much time there, because its easy to get lost in your head and that can have dangerous results. And if you don't have friends to give you perspective, find some.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking ones' thoughts can be a bit of a tail chase. If I get started at two in the morning, I'll often go two hours! I'm glad you have friends to give you perspective. Thinking isn't a bad thing, just maybe too much thinking, as you say. :)
